How to use GRaSP?

Submit a protein

Use the submit page to upload your protein files:
  1. Use this field to upload one or more protein structures in PDB format.
  2. You can also submit structures from RCSB PDB directly by typing protein identifiers separeted by comma.
  3. Here you can use your email to receive the link containing the results. This field is not madatory, but we recommend you use it to keep saved the address to your experiment. The link is the only way to access your results, if you lose it, you will no longer be able to access the results.

Results page

The submitted proteins are listed in a table. Use the icons to access functionalities:
  1. The column Progress shows the processing status.
  2. Results column takes to a page with detailed binding site results for the protein in the respective row.
  3. Preview shows, on the right-hand side, the protein structure with binding site residues highlighted.

Detailed results

Detailed results allow the user to explore and make sense of the predicted binding site residues of a protein.
  1. List of binding site residues. The Confidence column contains the probabilities extracted from the machine learning predictor, which indicates the confidence level for each residue. Use the Look at column to focus on the residue in the molecule viewer.
  2. Turn on the CLUSTERING button to group the predicted residues in areas of high density.
  3. These controls can be used to better personalize the molecule viewer, changing the background color or the protein structure representation for example.

Suggested ligands

GRaSP suggests ligands based on pocket similarities using protein templates considered to predict the binding site residues.
  1. For each cluster of residues GRaSP shows the four best ranked ligands using the PocketMatch scoring.

Feature Importance

Descriptors ranked in accordance with their relevance for the machine learning task.
  1. Descriptors are ranked by relevance into a ordered list followed by a brief explanation.

Browser compatibility

OS Version Chrome Firefox Microsoft Edge Safari
Linux Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 87.0.4280.88 83.0 n/a n/a
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 86.0.4240.198 83.0 n/a 13.1.2
Windows 10 86.0.4240.198 84.0 87.0.664.52 n/a